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Pasado de swell

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I swelledyo me hinché
you swelledtú te hinchaste
he swelledél se hinchó
she swelledella se hinchó
we swellednosotros nos hinchamos
you swelledvosotros os hinchasteis
they swelledellos se hincharon
they swelledellas se hincharon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have swelledyo me he hinchado
you have swelledtú te has hinchado
he has swelledél se ha hinchado
she has swelledella se ha hinchado
we have swellednosotros nos hemos hinchado
you have swelledvosotros os habéis hinchado
they have swelledellos se han hinchado
they have swelledellas se han hinchado

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